Yunlian Environmentally Friendly Polyester Solid Plasticizer

Yunlian Environmentally Friendly Polyester Solid Plasticizer

In modern industry, plasticizers are vital additives used to enhance the flexibility and processing performance of materials. However, traditional plasticizers often contain components harmful to the environment and human health. Therefore, the quest for eco-friendly and efficient plasticizers has become a current research focus. Amid this trend, environmentally friendly polyester solid plasticizers, synthesized through the polycondensation of polyacids and polyols, have emerged. Their outstanding performance and eco-friendly characteristics have garnered widespread attention. Here, we explore the primary advantages of this new type of plasticizer.


These environmentally friendly polyester solid plasticizers are made from renewable polyacids and polyols through a polycondensation reaction. They are free of harmful phthalates and do not release toxic substances during use, making them safe for both the environment and human health. Furthermore, the raw materials are widely available and sustainable, aligning with green chemistry principles and helping to reduce dependence on petroleum resources.

High Efficiency

As plasticizers, these environmentally friendly polyester solid plasticizers excel in enhancing the flexibility and processing performance of materials. They effectively lower the glass transition temperature of polymers, allowing materials to maintain good flexibility even at low temperatures, thereby improving processing performance and the final product's usability. Whether in traditional plastics like PVC and PU or in new biodegradable materials, they provide significant plasticizing effects.


These plasticizers exhibit excellent thermal and chemical stability. They do not decompose or volatilize in high-temperature processing environments, ensuring the stability and durability of the final products. Additionally, they can significantly improve the chemical corrosion resistance of products, extending their lifespan. This stability ensures outstanding performance in various complex application environments.


The polyester solid plasticizers have excellent compatibility with a variety of polymer materials. They can evenly disperse within the base material, ensuring uniformity and consistency in the plasticizing effect. Furthermore, they can synergize with other additives to further enhance the comprehensive performance of materials. This compatibility allows them to be widely used in plastics, rubber, coatings, and other fields.


During use, these environmentally friendly polyester solid plasticizers do not release harmful gases or cause allergic reactions, ensuring safety for operators and end-users. They comply with various environmental regulations and safety standards, meeting the high demands of global markets for environmental and safety considerations.


Environmentally friendly polyester solid plasticizers, synthesized from polyacids and polyols, have become rising stars in the field of plasticizers in modern industry due to their eco-friendliness, high efficiency, stability, compatibility, and safety. They not only match the performance of traditional plasticizers but also achieve breakthroughs in environmental and safety aspects, representing the future direction of green chemistry. As technology advances and application ranges expand, these new plasticizers will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in driving the material industry towards a more eco-friendly and sustainable future.